NYCC 2015: House Tyrell & Martell Hold a Strong Panel

Loras-and-Margaery-Tyrell-loras-tyrell-36926289-1800-1012Five seasons after his character shaved a man’s chest and gave him a blowjob on the popular HBO show Game of Thrones, Finn Jones’ reflected on his first day on set as well as the years that followed, with a panel of hundreds of fans at New York Comic Con.

“The thing about the Tyrells, we are always fabulous.”- Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell)

In a panel titled “A Panel of Ice and Fire,” Jones was joined by his on-screen sister Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) and Keisha Castle-Hughes (Obara Sand) in a crowd-engaging conversation about the show’s past, present and future.

Unusually, 40 minutes of the 60 minute panel was dedicated to fan questions. The questions ranged from the cast’s favorite location to shoot in, to what dead character they’d like to see resurrected; which Jones turned back to ask the audience who’d they like to see return.

The majority of the hundreds in attendance shouted, “Jon Snow!”

The 27-year old British actor also pondered the idea of two characters (dead or alive) in the show who’ve never met before meeting up for the first time.

“Loras would probably try to turn Jon Snow gay,” said Jones. “And share hair tips. I’d teach him a thing or two.”

Castle-Hughes also would like to see her character, Obara Sand, meet with one of the only remaining Starks, Arya (Maisie Williams).

“She’s my favorite character,” said Castle-Hughes. “And this is purely for selfish reasons, because Maize is awesome to hang out with.”

1dd69c6a-8870-4709-b28e-0d0d21a67500When asked about the threat Dormer’s character is to Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), Dormer said that Margaery is trying to be like Cersei and they both want a similar thing: to be the mother of the king.

“I don’t think she wants to be on the throne … it’s a dangerous place to be,” Dormer said. “I genuinely think that  Margaery wants to be the power behind the throne.”


The three cast members chatted with the large crowd, gaining huge laughs, and even a few tears. One fan of Dormer’s work in Game of Thrones as well as another television show, The Tudors, where Dormer played Anne Boleyn, was too overwhelmed by emotions to even get out a question.

Dormer got up, walked over to her, and gave her a big hug.