Anime Month Day 1- CBN’s Top 10 Anime Openings

What better way to kick off anime month than to talk about the best of the best anime openings.

We based this list on a few key elements. The openings visuals and audio quality was of course the centerpiece, but we slightly took nostalgia into account. We looked at how each opening represented the anime as a whole, and how it stood out from it. And lastly, the opening needed the ability to summon you to the source of the audio, if you were for some reason not in the room.

Note that this is mainly personal opinion of the Classicbutnew cast based on the anime we’ve seen, because we can’t have possibly have watched them all. If you think we missed one that should be here, tell us the name of the opening in the comments and we’ll give it a listen! 

These are the openings that if they got switched after episode 13, you’d get upset.

These are the openings that you can sing or move to even ten years after watching the show.

Not only are these the openings you never skip, these are the ones you playback after its over.

Honorable Mention 

We Are! by Hiroshi Kitadani (Sub)/ Vic Mignogna (Dub) -One Piece

The first opening of One Piece is a catchy, upbeat rap that nicely lays out the background for the start of an epic adventure that has yet to end. While the song sums things up nicely by itself, the visuals also show off the abilities of numerous characters that we’d grow to love.

-Javale W.

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Fav Five Studio Ghibli Films

Three weeks ago, I was one of the few anomalies on the planet who has never watched a Studio Ghibli movie. I’ve always heard that they are the best of the best animated movies, but I never experienced them first hand. So, I finally sat down and watched a Studio Ghibli movie everyday for an entire week. It was certainly a whimsical, magical and overall strange week, and while I still prefer Pixar as my favorite animated movie creators, I can see the reason why people love Studio Ghibli so much. The Studio certainly has an unique style and a weirdly awesome storytelling perspective, and for that reason, I liked each film that I watched, but at the same time I felt indifferent about them. It was like tasting a foreign fruit for the first time. You expect something new and different, but when you actually experience it, it just feels wrong in a new and maybe even exciting way. That’s how I felt while watching these tales that were being told in an extraordinary way. I picked five of the seven Ghibli films I watched and ranked them based on the world and story the film created, as well as its characters and overall tone and gathered my thoughts on each of the films here. Enjoy.

*Mild spoilers*

*Rated O for various opinions you may or may not agree with*

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Eight Quick-Fire Romance Anime Suggestions

Everyone loves a good romantic comedy, right? Who doesn’t love watching characters make mistakes chasing the person of their dreams. Don’t you just love those moments where the character makes a move that you would see yourself doing, and then you’d say to the screen: “OMG, That’s so me!!” A good romantic comedy can be good for the soul, so we want to enrich your soul by suggesting these eight romance anime shows to you.

Ano Natsu De Matteru (Waiting in the Summer)

waiting in the summer Continue reading

Five Quick-Fire Non-action Anime Suggestions

Spoiler free suggestions!

Stein’s Gate

stein's gate poster

Genre: Psychological Thriller 

Stein’s Gate plays with your emotions. Time travel isn’t easy to pull off but Stein’s Gate does it so well. What makes Stein’s Gate so perfect is its smart writing. Your IQ can probably increase a few points by watching Stein’s Gate. It messes with your mind you’ve never thought possible. Not only does it make you think outside the box, it makes you think about the box before it was even made. Continue reading